Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to clean your belly button Piercing!

READ!!! Requested by 1xPonyPrincessx1 and skyeelliot. So this is how to clean a belly button piercing 1. WITH SOLUTION- Boil some water and let it cool so it is bearable then soak a cotton pad/bud in it and remove any crust surrouding the piercing. Dry it and then soak another bud/pad in your solution and do the same so make sure it is clean and fresh. The dry it as a wet piercing may get infeced. 2- WITH SALINE SOLUTION- boil some water and dissolve salt in it and wait for it to cool a little so it is bearable and clean the piercing of any crust and make sure it has been fully covered. Then dry it...if you have hydrocortisone cream this is good to put on it to keep it from getting eczema or getting sore and also it helps to keep it moisturised. I hope this helped and comment if you have any more questions or if you wanna see any more piercing videos :)

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