Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cure Hemorrhoids

I Recommend: -:( ):- It is very important for you to discover the cause of the hemorrhoids. Just getting temporary relief is not enough, as they will come back to bother you. The self care measures that follow are only for temporary relief of the symptoms and will not make the hemorrhoids disappear. If you don\'t get relief on a few days or sooner, urgently see a doctor. This is valid also if you have severe pain or bleeding. There are a lot of products out there for hemorrhoid treatment. Most of them contain the same components that are used for treating anal symptoms, like itching or discomfort, as they will probably reduce the hemorrhoids symptoms too. Ointments, creams, gels, suppositories, foams and pads are all available for hemorrhoid treatment. Ointments, creams and gels to be applied on the anal area, usually with the aid of a pile pipe (that are really efficient) have more advantages that the ones of foams and suppositories. This being said, for the temporarily relieve of hemorrhoids symptoms, like pain, swelling and inflammation, you can read the self care measures that follow: . . Apply a hemorrhoid cream or suppository containing hydrocortisone, or apply pads that contain some sort of topical numbing agent. . . Have at least 8 glasses of water per day. Also adjust the amount of fiber you are eating. . . Keep the anal area clean and dry. Take a bath daily, and clean the skin around your anus with warm water. . . Apply ice packs on your anus to ...

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