Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Backpacking First-Aid Kit & Source for Supplies

As with any piece of gear going through a pre-packing FAK & customizing it to meet your needs is key. Or maybe you like to simply build your own custom kit. Either way FAK's are one of those pieces of gear that need to be gone through from a time to time. Here I talk about my personal backpacking FAK, re-packaging supplies & AMP3. AMP3 is one of the best pre-packaged First-Aid kits that I've come across. stores.amp-3.net Campfiretalk's LEVEL 1 / FIRST-AID KIT SUPPLIES (8) 4x4 Gauze Pads (2) 4x3 Non-Stick Pads (1) 25 gm Quick Clot (2) Tegaderm (2) 3x3 Gauze Pads (4) Nitrile Gloves (6) Band-Aid & (5) Steri-Strip (2) Hydrocortisone Cream 1% (4) Antiseptic Wipes (1) Moleskin (1) 1" tape (1) Self-Adhesive Wrap (1) Tweezers (2) Safety Pins (1) 10cc Syringe (1) 18ga Needle MEDICATION PACK (10) Ibuprofen 200mg PAIN / FEVER 2-4 tab by mouth every 8 hours w / food (10) Acetaminophen 500mg PAIN / FEVER 2 tab by mouth every 6 hours (4) Benadryl 25mg ITCHING / SLEEP 1-2 tab by mouth every 4-6 hours (4) Meclizine 25mg NAUSEA / VOMITING / DIZZINESS 1-2 tab by mouth every 4-6 hours (4) Lopermide 2mg DIARRHEA 2 tab by mouth then 1 tab by mouth after each loose stool Thanks for watching & take care

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